Planning Team
The SWEL Planning Committee models shared, collaborative leadership by and for stakeholders to increase our collective power to impact systems and create opportunities. We practice "both/and" leadership that seeks out diverse perspectives, activates empathy and vulnerability, is strengths-based, allows us to step up and step back, and focuses on connections.
Our Planning Committee members are volunteers who work together to achieve the mission, vision, and purpose of the Society of Women Educational Leaders.
Interested in being a part of or learning about the SWEL Planning Team? Email us at
SWEL Planning Team Members
Renae Busse
Principal Leadership Specialist
Northern Pines Regional Center of Excellence
Email Renae
Dr. Amy Christensen
Assistant Professor for Educational Administration and Leadership
St. Cloud State University
Dr. Marci Levy-Maguire
Communications, Innovation, & Public Relations Coordinator
Perkins Consortium Coordinator
Intermediate School District 917